Gregor Cerinšek (VIDEO)
Project manager and researcher, Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana
Real-life Learning Lab Model engaging interdisciplinary groups of students working on real-life industry and societal assignments
Cooperation and knowledge transfer between higher education and industry is a strategic priority of the Bologna reform and can be achieved through different platforms or models. Real Life Learning Lab refers to “Learning” in the “Lab” (real life cases and problems) in the “Real Life Setting”. The core of the Real-Life Learning Lab is the interdisciplinary collaboration of students, teachers (i.e. academic mentors) and professionals (i.e. business mentors) working together on real-life problems and challenges that derive from the industry or society. Students apply the knowledge from their disciplines in real-time, and explore exciting career possibilities working side by side with fellow students, faculty and professionals from the industry. This cross-functional problem-based learning experience demands strong communication and collaboration, and celebrates the diversity of technical and non-technical contributions that produce relevant results and impact for all parties involved.
Gregor Cerinšek holds a Master of Human Resource Management from Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Ljubljana. He is a researcher and project manager at the Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana. His work is oriented towards development and evaluation of different education and training concepts, models and programmes (such as learning by doing, experiential learning, technology-enhanced learning, etc.), addressing real-life needs of industry and based on close collaboration between industrial and higher education environment. As external evaluator sponsored by the U.S. Department of State he is cooperating with the “Interprofessional Projects Program (IPRO)” at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, USA) to assess and transfer the knowledge, experiences and best practices in the context of the University of Ljubljana.